
Found by someone else in January 2024 at Born, Palma (01/01/2024). Had all the fingers missing from one foot and a lot of hairs and string embedded in deep cuts on the remaining fingers on his other foot.

Currently recovering with us.


A young squab squab found by someone else in January 2024 near Coliseu Balear, Palma (02/01/2024). He was lying on the ground, cold, almost dead, doing weird neck movements. Also had trichomoniasis.

It seemed like he was recovering, but the trichomonas pierced his stomach. He died in my hands (06/01/2024).

Rest in peace.


Picked up by someone else in Plaza España, Palma, after she heard her crash against something and saw her fall (03/01/2024). Missing tail.

She died that night.

Rest in peace.


Picked up by someone else near Instituts, Palma(11/01/2024). Was walking resting his foot upside down, probably due to a fracture wrongly healed.

Became Corona's partner.

Currently living with us.


A wood pigeon given to us to take care of it since we have other wood pigeons (13/01/2024). Had a lame leg and wing and couldn't fly.

She lived with us until, one day, we saw her laying on the ground. It looked like she was just resting, but a couple hours after she was dead, no idea why, but another wood pigeon died similarly hours before (20/07/24).

Rest in peace.


A dove given to us to take care of it since we have other doves (13/01/2024). Can't fly.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).


A dove given to us to care of her for some time before she can be liberated (30/01/24).

Released in a green area (01/06/24).


A dove squab found by someone else, probably fallen from the nest. Didn't have anything wrong (01/02/24).

Released in a green area (01/06/24).

Mercurio & Venus

A pair of doves found by someone else as squabs in the ground. Given to us to care of them (07/02/24).

Released in a green area (01/06/24).


Wood pigeon squab found on the ground by someone else, who took care of him for some days before passing him to us (19/02/24).

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (08/04/24).


Squab found by someone else on the ground in the square of a church (23/02/24).

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (03/04/2024).




Young wood pigeon found on the ground by someone else (02/03/24).

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (08/04/24).


Someone found her on Es Portitxol's beach and called us to go pick her up. She had a broken wing, paramyxovirus sequels that made her unable to fly or walk, and was infested with parasytes (04/03/24).

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Palma with a broken leg (14/03/24). A vet mistake caused her leg to have to be amputated.

Currently living with us.


Found as a squab by someone else on the ground in Plaza Mayor, Palma (19/03/24). Had torn tendons on one leg.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (07/05/2024).


Found as a aquab by someone else who took care of him for some weeks, then gave him to us (21/03/24).

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (30/05/24).


Dove. Found by a friend in Coll d'en Rabassa. Had a severe case of trichomoniasis (21/03/24).

Rest in peace.


Squab found by someone else on the ground in Blanquerna, Palma (22/03/24). Gave her to us to take care for a week, then took her back to keep her as a pet.

Returned (26/03/2024).


Squab found by someone else on the ground in Palma (22/03/24).

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (07/05/2024).


Found with a broken wing on Sindicat, Palma (26/03/24). Male.

Became Mars' partner.

Currently living with us.

Los Angeles

Squab found in Sindicat, Palma (26/03/24). It didn't look like there was anything particularly wrong with her, apart from her being underweight. Since she wasn't very active, we decided to feed her manually. She suddenly vomited and died a day later (04/04/24).

Rest in peace.


Found covered in blood in Sindicat, Palma (28/03/24).

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (07/05/2024).


Found very weak in Sindicat, Palma (02/04/24). An advanced case of trichomoniasis. She developed a big crust on her neck, both inside and outside, that when the vet poked at it started bleeding, almost chocking her. The crust eventually fell off, leaving a small hole that later healed by itself. She seems to be OK now. Female.

Became Mostaza's partner.

Currently living with us.


A pigeon with paramixovirus, given to us to take care of her for a few days (04/04/24).

Returned (10/05/2024).


Found by someone else in Palma with string tangled on his feet and some infected toes (06/04/24). Female.

Became Nick's partner.

Given to Nick's owner to be taken to a dovecote in France (15/07/2024).


Dove found by someone else in Coll d'en Rabassa in the mouth of a house cat (09/04/24).

Released in a green area (01/06/24).

El Dorado

Found by someone else in Palma. Young pigeon with trichomoniasis, coccidiosis, ascites, bacterial, yeast and fungal infection (12/04/24).

Currently living with us.


Young wood pigeon found by someone else on the ground (15/04/24).

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (30/05/24).


Squab found by someone else on the ground (15/04/24).

Currently living with us.


A dove found by someone else, attacked by a cat. The vet stitched her wounds cleanly, but she died a few hours after (18/04/24).

Rest in peace.


A young pigeon someone found and threw at the door of a veterinary, and they contacted us to get him (19/04/24). Had a broken wing that couldn't be recovered and torn ligaments on one leg.

Months after, we found him dead, cause unknown (07/09/24).

Rest in peace.


Racing pigeon found inside a chicken coop (20/04/24). Had diarrhea and was underweight.

A few months after, we found her on the ground, looking weak. She died hours later (25/07/24).

Rest in peace.


Give to us to temporarily take care of him (21/04/24). Male.

Became Berlin's partner.

Given to Nick's owner to be taken to a dovecote in France (22/07/2024).


Wood pigeon squab found under a car (24/04/24). He started breathing with difficulty soon after being rescued. We rushed to the veterinary, but they couldn't do anything. He was found to have internal bleeding, likely from the fall from the nest. He also had an undigested whole date in his stomach.

Rest in peace.


Wood pigeon found by tourists in Port Cristo (25/04/24). Had open wounds made by a cat attack. One of her wings had to be amputated, but she died a few minutes after the surgery.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma (26/04/24). Broken leg and wing fracture. Male.

He recovered perfectly and became Abril's partner.

Currently living with us.


Wood pigeon squab found in the ground in a schoolyard in Lloseta (03/05/24).

A few months after, we found her laying dead, same as Prejuicio a few weeks earlier. He had a wound on the top of his head, though, but it didn't look serious.

Rest in peace.


Young wood pigeon found in the ground at a hotel in Cala Major (03/05/24).

We found her laying dead one day (11/07/24). We don't know the cause of the dead, the body looked healthy and had no injuries.

Rest in peace.


Wood pigeon squab found by someone else (05/05/24). Had coccidiosis, bacterial infections and difficulty digesting food. She died a week after (15/05/24).

Rest in peace.


Dove rescued by someone else and given to us. Had one wing amputated (07/05/24).

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).


Young wood pigeon rescued by someone else and given to us. Had a broken wing. (07/05/24).

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).


Wood pigeon rescued by someone else and given to us. Had one wing amputated. (07/05/24).

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).


Squab found on the ground in La Misericordia, Palma, most likely after her parents were illegally killed by an extermination company (12/05/24).

Currently living with us.


Young pigeon found by someone else in Palma (13/05/24). Had a broken wing and a splay leg.

Currently living with us.


Wood pigeon squab found by someone else in Soller (16/05/24).

He suddenly died one day, like many other of the wood pigeons (24/07/24). We took the body to the vet to do an autopsy and he said he had no damage of any kind.

Rest in peace.


Left by someone in a veterinary in Manacor (17/05/24). She had a giant tumor in her crop. She died the next day (18/05/24).

Rest in peace.


 Wood pigeon squab found by someone else on the ground (21/05/24). Nothing wrong with her other than being too young to fend for herself.

A few weeks after, we found her dead. It looked like she crashed with a window during the night and either died by the impact or had a heart attack because of it.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma (21/05/24). Had a severe case of trichomoniasis. Died a few minutes after we picked him up.

Rest in peace.


Pigeon squab found by someone else (21/05/24). Had some kind of bacterial buildup on the neck. Died a few days after (24/05/24).

Rest in peace.


Dove squab found by Kony (22/05/24).

Released (07/24).


Found by someone else (24/05/24). Has a dislocated foot, bacterial infection and was severely underweight. Died during the night (25/05/24).

Rest in peace.


 Given to us by a veterinary (24/05/24). She had a wing partially amputated.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).


Found by someone else (25/05/24). Had a severe case of trichomoniasis and was severely underweight. Died the day after. (26/05/24)

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma (25/05/24). Had her head ravaged by poxvirus. She died a week after (03/06/24).

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma (26/05/24). Had salmonella and other infections. Was extremely weak went it got to us. She died the day after (27/05/24).

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else (27/05/24). She didn't initially fly, but didn't have anything particularly wrong with her other than being weak and underweight.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Palma (28/05/24). Had trichomoniasis and had a severe bacterial infection. She died the day after (29/05/24).

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma (28/05/24). Had trichomoniasis.

Currently living with us.


A dove we rescued from someone who had it in a small cage for 3 years (29/05/24).

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Palma (30/05/24). Had a severe buildup of trichomoniasis on her neck. She miraculously resisted for some days even though it looked like she could hardly breathe, but she started to suffocate with mucus and the trichomoniasis buildup when we were at the veterinary. She spent the night in the ICU, but didn't make it (04/06/24).

Rest in peace.


Wood pigeon found by someone else in the countryside near Ses Salines (31/05/24). Had the torso exposed and a broken wing.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (08/24).


Found by someone else (01/06/24). Had a deep piercing wound on her back and a damaged wing, probably attacked by a dog.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else trapped between some doors (03/06/24). Young and weak, but didn't have anything particularly wrong with her.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Palma (05/06/24). Was very weak, unable to walk or fly.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in the countryside to take care of her (25/07/24).


Young dove found by someone else in Palma (09/06/24). Had poxvirus.

Released (07/24).


Found by someone else in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (10/06/24). Had the tail missing and the throat obstructed with a trichomoniasis infection.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (11/06/24). Was very weak, had diarrhea and a swollen cloaca.

He couldn't poop by himself for some reason, so we had to use a small catheter to drain his cloaca multiple times a day.

Although his cloaca situation seemed to be improving, he was not gaining any weight, and he eventually, and pretty suddenly, died.

Rest in peace.


Young pigeon found by a couple of boys in Plaza España, Palma (11/06/24). Didn't fly and didn't eat by herself.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (13/06/24). Severe case of trichomoniasis. His beck was deformed and could barely breathe. He died a few days after.

Rest in peace.


Young pigeon found by someone else in Palma (14/06/24). Didn't fly or eat by herself. Had a trichomoniasis infection.

A few days after, one of her trichomoniasis plaques in her throat feel off, leaving an internal hole where food got in. She quickly deteriorated and operating was infeasible. We euthanized her when she could go no longer.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (15/06/24). Had a severe case of trichomoniasis, couldn't even close the beak, and an eye infection.

10 days later (25/06/24) his whole upper beak and part of his head fell off, leaving his throat exposed.

He kept on living normally (manually feed) until we found him dead months later, unknown reason (02/10/24).

Rest in peace.


Caught by myself in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (15/06/24). Had a severe case of trichomoniasis and an extreme number of lice flies (16!!).

Released in friend's dovecote in the countryside (21/10/24).


Young dove found floating in the water in a port in El Molinar, Palma (16/06/24). Had hypothermia.

Released at some point.


Caught by myself in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (17/06/24). Had a trichomoniasis infection.

Released in friend's dovecote in the countryside (21/10/24).


Baby wood pigeon found by someone else in Son Verí Nou (20/06/24). His nest fell to the ground. He died in his sleep that same night.

Rest in peace.


Young wood pigeon found by someone else on the ground in Palma (20/06/24). Had one injured leg.

Released (07/24).


Found by someone else in Palma (20/06/24). Had one broken wing.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in the countryside to take care of her (25/07/24).


Caught by myself in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (22/06/24). Had a trichomoniasis infection.

Released in friend's dovecote in the countryside (21/10/24).


Found by someone else limping in a road, probably hit by a car (24/06/24). Broken leg.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in the countryside to take care of him (25/07/24).


Squab found by a tourist in Plaza España, Palma (24/06/24). Had poxvirus.

A few months after, he suddenly worsened and died (07/08/24).

Rest in peace.


Found by myself on a street on alley on Palma (26/06/24). She was crawling on the ground, with both legs broken.

Released in friend's dovecote in the countryside (21/10/24).


Caught by myself in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (26/06/24). Had a respiratory infection.

Currently living with us.


Found by a friend in Palma (26/06/24). Had a trichomoniasis infection, and probably some kind of bacterial infection too.

He looked like he was recovering, but a week later his health deteriorated suddenly and he died that night (02/07/24).

Rest in peace.


Found by a friend in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (27/06/24). Had a trichomoniasis infection.

It didn't look too critical, but it must have been, as she died during the night.

Rest in peace.


Wood pigeon squab found by someone else on the ground in Son Servera (29/06/24).

Released (07/24).


Dove squab found by a friend on the ground in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (30/06/24). Fell from his nest in a tree. Had a broken leg and smallpox.

Her smallpox suddenly expanded through her whole body and she eventually died (16/07/24).

Rest in peace.


Young wood pigeon given to us by a friend (03/07/24). He had malformed bones and difficulty breathing.

Released (07/24).


Dove with smallpox given to us by a friend (03/07/24). Had smallpox.

Released (07/24).


Rescued by a friend from a man that was kicking him, in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (04/07/24). Had an advanced trichomoniasis infection.

He suddenly died a few days after (08/07/24)

Rest in peace.


Found by a tourist and left in a box on the street on Santa Catalina, Palma (05/07/24). Couldn't fly. Had what looked like sequels of paramixovirus.

Currently living with us.


Found by Kony in Sindicat, Palma (06/07/24). Had what looked like a broken wing, but it was not actually broken, she just dragged it for some reason.

Currently living with us.


Found by a friend in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (07/07/24). Had an advanced trichomoniasis infection.

Currently living with us.


Wood pigeon squab found by someone in S'Arenal, Llucmajor (11/07/24). Had smallpox.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (23/08/24). 


Found by someone else in Plaça del Progrés, Palma (11/07/24). Couldn't fly and had a bit of smallpox.

Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in the countryside to take care of him (25/07/24).


Found by a friend in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (12/07/24). Had an alarming amount of external parasites. Other than that, we couldn't tell what was her problem. She died during the night.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Calle de los molinos, Palma (15/07/24). Had an advanced trichomoniasis infection.

Currently recovering with us.


Found by myself in Parc de ses Estacions, Palma (16/07/24). Had sequels of paramyxovirus.

Currently recovering with us.


Wood pigeon found by someone else in Palma (16/07/24). Had smallpox and an infection in both eyes.

He died the next day (17/07/24)

Rest in peace.


Found by a friend in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (19/07/24). Was very feeble and underweight. She died a few hours after.

Rest in peace.


Found by a friend in Plaça Nova de Ferreria, Palma (19/07/24). Was very feeble and underweight. Had diarrhea. Polyuria.

She died a few days after (26/07/24).

Rest in peace.