
Found in January 2023 as a squab by someone else at Instituts, Palma. Too weak to fly, completely unable to move their feet, difficulty keeping their balance, full of parasites, refusing to eat. Sex unknown.

Suspected neurological damage, either by a virus or by being hit by a car.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (March 2023).




Found in January 2023 on S'Arenal's beach. He was unable to move one of her feet and didn't flee. Male.

An X-ray revealed she had swallowed a small metal ring and was being poisoned by it.

He became Polenta's couple.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (18/06/23).




Found in January 2023 on S'Arenal's beach. We initially thought she had smallpox, but it turned out she had her left eye pierced and that side of her face covered in pus. Female.

The eye was stitched at the sides to help it heal.

She became Gnocchi's couple.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (18/06/23).




Found at the end of January 2023 as a squab by someone else, in the middle of a street in Palma. Nothing apparently wrong with him, he was just too young to be left alone. Sex unknown.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (March 2023).




Found in February 2023 at Plaza España, Palma. He had a leg missing, but the wound was already closed. Sex unknown.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (March 2023).


Rescued by the owner of the animal shelter and given to us, in March 2023, to take care of while she recovers.

Had paramyxovirus, which makes her turn her neck to look up almost permanently. Suspected female.

On May 18, 2023, her condition got worse and she couldn't control her muscle spans anymore. After being hospitalized for a day, her health deteriorated critically and we had to put her to sleep.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in April 2023 as a very young squab, near Plaça de l'Olivar in Palma. Healthy but alone. Female.

Quely's couple.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (24/08/23).




Found by Kony on the verge of death in April 2023 as a squab, near the post office in S'Arenal. Paramixo virus, all kinds of parasites, internal worms, and an infected eye with internal bleeding caused by trauma. Female.

We took him to the animal shelter in late April 2023, but it didn't seem to adapt well, so we took it back a month after.

She became Caramelo's partner.

A few years after, we found her upside down, having a neurological fit. She died the day after.

Rest in peace.




Found by someone else at the end of April 2023 in Plaza España, Palma. Nothing wrong with him, just too young and not yet eating by himself. Sex unknown.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (May 2023).


Found by Kony at the end of April 2023 in Avenida Europa, S'Arenal. Breathlessness, lethargy, underweight, trichomoniasis. Sex unknown.

She was extremely weak; could barely swallow without choking. She died the day after, probably for lack of breath.

Rest in peace.


Rescued by the owner of the animal shelter and given to us, in May 2023, to take care of while he recovers. Extremely weak and heavily affected by paramyxovirus; didn't look like she would last long. Sex unknown.

She died a day after, likely choking on vomit.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in May 2023, in a street in Corea, Palma. Had a large wound on the head covered in dried blood. Sex unknown.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (18/06/23).




Found by someone else under a car in May 2023, in Avenida Argentina, Palma. Dirty, with parasites, and feet extremely tangled with strands of hair. Fancy breed and unusually docile. Female.

Couldn't fly and dragged a wing. Looked like it could have some metal in her stomach that was poisoning her.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (May 2023).


Young wood pigeon found by someone else in late May 2023. She didn't fly and had what looked like an infection in one eye. Sex unknown.

In early June, Gnocci attacked her, almost destroying her head.

A few weeks after she vomited her food and started to deteriorate quickly. I stayed with her until the end, and she died the day after, likely due to liver failure. It was very similar to Maíz's death.

Rest in peace.

7 babies

A building was being boarded up with 18 squabs inside. One of the workers took pity on them and called the caretaker of the animal shelter. We offered to help by taking some of them. Late May 2023.


Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (June 2023).


Katakana's brother.
Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (June 2023).


Hiragana's brother.
Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (June 2023).

Pombo was the loudest, hungriest and most active of them all.  Unfortunately, he suddenly died due to digestion problems (07/06/2023).
Rest in peace.


Pombo's brother. Female.
Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (01/08/23).

Pombo Junior
Pombo Junior's neck was worryingly thick and hard since we got him, making it tricky to feed him. The vet did an operation on his neck and took a lot of matter out of it. He was looking pretty good, until one morning he suddenly wasn't.

He died in my hands of lack of breath. (10/06/2023).
Rest in peace.


Pombo Junior's brother. Male.
Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (01/08/23).


Very young wood pigeon found by someone else near Balneario 6 in S'Arenal, on late June 2023 (18/06/23). He was on the ground and didn't try to escape. Sex unknown.

It didn't look like there was anything wrong with him; probably fell off the nest or tried to leave it too early.

He grew perfectly healthy and helped other wood pigeons feel safe. One day, he got scared and crashed against a window, not too hard, but after that, he stayed on the ground. After picking him up, he took a couple of deep breaths and died. It looked like a heart attack. An unexpected and tragic death. (17/08/23)

Rest in peace.




A young wood pigeon found by someone else in Plaza España, Palma (20/19/23). Had poxvirus. Sex unknown.

He stopped eating by himself and his situation slowly declined . His head got swollen and he started having difficulty to breathe. When it was obvious he was dying and there was no recovery, we put him to sleep (15/07/23).

Rest in peace.


Found at the end of June 2023 in Plaza España, Palma (30/06/23). Underweight, severe trichomoniasis. Sex unknown.

Died a few days after (03/07/2023).

Rest in peace.


Found in July 2023 on S'Arenal's beach (01/07/23). She was in the middle of the road, apparently unable to fly. Sex unknown.

Her movement deteriorated to the point where she can barely walk and is always lying. Vets have no clue why and none of the treatment has worked. It doesn't look like she will recover, but she can still live a peaceful life with us.

Became Tommy's partner.

Currently living with us.


Found in July 2023 in Palma by someone else (03/07/23).A very young dove ravaged by smallpox. Sex unknown.

Died the day after.

Rest in peace.


Found in July 2023 in Plaza España, Palma (05/07/23). Some kind of purebred pigeon abandoned by a hunter's group. No health issues other than parasites, but he wasn't adapting well to living on the street. Male.

 Pachinko's couple.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (24/08/23).


Found in July 2023 in Plaza España, Palma (05/07/23). Had multiple fractures on a wing. Female.

Her bones healed but she lost mobility on her wing and has difficulty flying. 

She became Choclo's partner.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in July 2023 in Palma (15/07/23). Had poxvirus and a critical case of trichomoniasis. Sex unknown.

We tried to treat her, but by the time we got her it was too late. All we could do was give her a comfortable space to rest. She died in my hands.

Rest in peace.


Wood pigeon found in July 2023 in a minigolf course in S'Arenal (17/07/23). It looked like he had a broken wing, but the vet determined it was muscular damage without broken bones. Sex unknown.

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (21/10/23).


Found by a friend in July 2023 as a very young squab when it fell from a palm tree in Plaza España (25/07/23). It had a scab completely covering his left eye, but the eye appeared to be healthy underneath.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (03/04/2024).




Found by someone else at the end of July 2023 near a church in Porreres (29/07/23). Severe case of trichomoniasis almost completely blocking his throat. We tried all we could, but it was too late. He died that same night.

Rest in peace.


Found at the end of July 2023 at  Son Forteza Park, Palma. Fantails are usually abandoned and have difficulty surviving in the city. Had signs of some neuronal dysfunction.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (01/08/23).


Found at the end of July 2023 at  Son Forteza Park, Palma. Fantails are usually abandoned and have difficulty surviving in the city, but other than that it was healthy.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (01/08/23).


Found by someone else in Palma, in August 2023 (01/08/23). It looked like it had a broken wing and leg. An X-ray revealed she had no fractures but there was something weird going on with her bones.  Vets thought it might be cancer, but a biopsy revealed it wasn't.

She had torn ligaments on one leg and some mobility issues on one wing.

She never fully recovered, but after a few months she regained enough mobility and energy to live with the rest. She became Princesa's partner.

In January 2024 she attempted to lay eggs, but they came out bloody and shellless. She started deteriorating after that. A visit to the vet revealed liver and kidney failure. We took care of her until she died the following weeks.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else on August 2023 (05/08/2023). She fell from a tree in front of them. She's blind and might have PMV.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else on August 07. Found trapped on a fence, tons of feathers missing, including the whole tail. Can't fly.

Currently living with us.


Found in Palma, near Mama Carmen restaurant, on top of a van (16/08/2023). Extreme case of poxvirus; there was almost more poxvirus than pigeon. He died a few days after (19/08/2023).

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in Palma on August 17. Was limping with missing toes on one of his paws.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (24/08/23).

7 mixed pack

On August 28 we got a pack of 7 pigeons in need of a safe place and time to recover.

3 doves:
· Ceren (Released 25/10/23).
· Noemi (Released 25/10/23).
· Giselle - Can't fly. Given to a friend who owns a dovecote in Santa Eugènia (25/07/24).

4 wood pigeons:
· Jacopo (Released 21/10/23).
· Michel (Released 21/10/23).
· Fata - Had a smallpox infection on her chest. (Released 21/03/24).
· Morgana - Has a bent beak. (Released 24/11/23). 


A dove brough to us by someone else after her cat brought it as a present. We got her a day after the 7 mixed pack (29/08/2023) and it died the day after (30/08/2023).

Rest in peace.


The third fantails from Son Forteza Park, Palma. Caught by a friend on August, 2023. Fantails are usually abandoned and have difficulty surviving in the city, but other than that it was healthy.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside a few days after (08/23).


The last of the fantails from Son Forteza Park, Palma. Caught by a friend on September 15, 2023. Male. Fantails are usually abandoned and have difficulty surviving in the city, but other than that it was healthy.

He became Berenjena's partner. After her death, he became Hades' partner.

Many months later, he started having difficulty breathing, with mucus on her throat. We took him to the vet and he didn't survive the anesthesia (17/07/24). The autopsy revealed he had pneumonia.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in September (21/09/2023), in Son Servera. Missing tail, probably attacked by a cat. Had a broken leg, diarrhea, and difficulty breathing. He vomited and died when the vet anesthetized him to operate on his leg (22/09/2023).

Rest in peace.


Given to us on November 24, 2023, to liberate alongside other of our wood pigeons.

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (24/10/23).


A pigeon found by someone else as a squab in Malaga. They raised him and then tried to release him, but he was too heavily imprinted and just followed the humans back.

It was given to us to take care of it. We got it to Mallorca on October 13, 2023.

He fell in love with me and treats me as his couple. He's actually female.

Currently living with us.


Found by someone else in October (27/09/2023), in Son Servera. Had a big wound in the head with the skull exposed. He got stitches to close the wound.

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (03/04/2024).


Found in late October (30/10/2023) in S'Arenal beach. Was weak and limping, with both feet messed up. The vet had to amputate one finger from the right foot and the whole left foot.

She died the next day after the surgery, not sure why, but looks like it could have been from digestive problems, since there were whole rice grains in her poo and her stomach was also full of undigested rice grains.

Rest in peace.


Found by someone else in November (04/11/2023) in the middle of a street near Parc de sa Riera, Palma. She was a squab, but it didn't look like there was anything particularly bad with her. However, the next day at night, when I was preparing her food, she suddenly died (05/11/2023).

Rest in peace.


An imprinted wood pigeon that used to live with a couple of other wood pigeons. When those pigeons died, she was given to us (20/11/2023) so she could be with other wood pigeons, since isolated wood pigeons are prone to dying.

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (16/03/24).


Found by someone else in Blanquerna, Palma (18/11/2023). Broken wing.

Second partner of Princesa.

Currently recovering with us.


A wood pigeon squab found by someone else in Establiments, Palma. Given to us a couple weeks after (26/11/2023). She had a small wound in one wing and smallpox on her beak.

Released in a green area where other wood pigeons live (16/03/24).


Found by someone else on the ground at Majorca's airport who contacted me to go get him (03/12/2023)

Released in an animal shelter in the countryside (03/04/2024).


Found by someone else in Palma on December 2023 (24/12/2023). Couldn't fly. Had a big bump on one wing, which looked to be either a tumor or salmonellosis. Male.

He became Tortita's partner.

Currently living ring with us.